
The Academic Affairs Board of the National Institute of Social Development (NISD) is a pivotal body established under the provisions of the National Institute of Social Development Act No. 41 of 1992. This Board holds a central role in overseeing and guiding the academic activities of the Institute, ensuring excellence in education and the pursuit of knowledge.

Composition and Membership: The Academic Affairs Board is composed of ex-officio members and representatives appointed to ensure a comprehensive and informed perspective. Ex-officio members include the Director-General of the Institute, academic staff members determined by the Chairman, the Director-General of the National Institute of Education, and representatives from prescribed universities in Sri Lanka.

Responsibilities: The primary responsibility of the Academic Affairs Board is to oversee the academic affairs of the Institute in accordance with the Act. This includes the crucial role of conducting examinations, determining eligibility for academic distinctions, and recommending individuals for degrees, diplomas, and certificates awarded by the Institute.

Powers, Duties, and Functions: The Board exercises a range of powers and functions, including but not limited to:

  • Advising the Council on academic matters
  • Considering and reporting on matters referred by the Council
  • Making recommendations on courses of study, teaching programs, and examinations
  • Recommending individuals for appointment as examiners
  • Advising on the establishment, abolition, or suspension of academic positions
  • Recommending conditions for the award of scholarships, medals, and prizes
  • Recommending the award of exhibitions and prizes to deserving individuals
  • Appointing committees, with the Council’s permission, to address specific academic concerns

Decision-Making and Collaboration: Decisions related to academic matters, as outlined in the Act, necessitate the involvement and recommendations of the Academic Affairs Board. The Council or any delegated officer must allow the Board an opportunity to provide recommendations on relevant matters. In cases where decisions differ from the Board’s recommendations, the Council or officer is required to record and communicate the reasons for the deviation.

Current Members of the Academic Affairs Board (AAB)

Dr. Raveendra Withanachchi

Dr. Raveendra Kumara
Director General (Act.)
National Institute of Social Development


Prof. Upali Pannilage
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, University of Ruhuna

Prof. W.M. Danapala
Senior Lecturer
Department of Sociology and Humanities, University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Prof. Subhangi M.K. Herath
Senior Lecturer
Department of Sociology, University of Colombo

Prof. Wasantha Subasinghe

Prof. (Mrs.) A.W.K.W. Subasinghe
Senior Lecturer
Department of Sociology, University of Kelaniya

Dr. S.M.A.K. Samarakoon
Department of Commerce and Financial Management, University of Kelaniya

Mr. V. Jeyaruban
Director (Acting)
School of Social Work NISD

Mrs. V. Vasudevan
Director, Training

Mr. Asmiyas

Mr. M.S.M. Asmiyase
Social Development Policy, Research and Publications Division - NISD

Mrs. G.A.M.S.P. Wijesekare Director
Centre for Quality Assuarance - NISD

Mrs. K.P. Deepthi Niroshika
Curriculum Development Centre - NISD

Mr. J.K.P.U. Keerthi
Senior Research Officer - NISD

Dr. U.L.M. Ashker

Dr. U.L.M. Ashker
Lecturer I - NISD

Mr. Irone Jayasekara
Training Officer - NISD

Mrs. H.K. Sandya Sirikumara
Research Officer - NISD